Interested in sponsoring Cave Creek Cactus Classic?
The Cave Creek Cactus Classic (C4), known as “Arizona’s Mountain Bike Race,” and its Kids Kross event are held in the famous town of Cave Creek, AZ. These events draw racers, extended families and spectators of all ages, from multiple states! The town of Cave Creek buzzes with the visibility and energy of these two events.
Best part about our event – we start/finish in town, in a high-visibility/high- traffic area. Our in-town, shotgun start, Sheriff’s escort through town and half mile finish on Cave Creek Road results in high visibility for this event. This provides an opportunity for our sponsors to take advantage of race crowds and local area traffic during the most unique, western and fun 24-mile loop REAL MOUNTAIN BIKE RACE in the eclectic destination town of Cave Creek.
The post event party is jammed with activity and energy all the way through our last Award ceremony. If you’d like to take advantage of the opportunity to sponsor this popular event, please leave your contact information with the hosting organization, Desert Foothills Mountain Bike Association (DFMBA), at DFMBA.org/contact/.
Check back often, more being added every day!
Sponsorship Opportunities
There are five sponsorship levels. They are:
Event Title Sponsor - $10,000
Carbon Fiber - $5,000
Titanium - $2,500
Aluminum - $1,000
Steel - $500
This is the annual Cave Creek Cactus Classic race and we’re growing every year, which increases your visibility as a race sponsor. Read more about benefits you’ll receive at different sponsorship levels here.